Sunday, October 2, 2011

Bollywood Bash

Last night the local expat group, Gurgaon Connection, sponsored one of its frequent parties, known around these parts as a "bash." Typically, these bashes have some sort of theme (like "red" on Valentine's Day or a beach party); however, last night was the much anticipated second annual Bollywood Bash. Hosted at the Kingdom of Dreams (which is a new multi-purpose facility that is part Bollywood-infused-Broadway musical and part really nice food court) it's the one party of the year when the expats of Gurgaon don their newly purchased Indian apparel, apparel which they all convince themselves they're going to wear again at home but likely never do.
Boring (but exceeding tan for some reason) John at last year's bash
At last year's bash, I was one of very few boring people that decided against wearing Indian clothing. I couldn't have that happen again. I had planned to buy some sort of basic sherwani and wear with the turban I had purchased in Jodhpur on my birthday. However, while sari shopping for Lindsay, I stepped into a store and not ten minutes later had purchased the full bridegroom's sherwani, complete with scarf, turban, and some sort of pin with a feather in it.

Reactions were positive to my new look. Comments ranged from "you look great" to "sir, you look like you are looking for a new wife" (that last one came courtesy of my trusty driver Kailash).

Lindsay's goal this year was to make a purchase that was "wearable" for a nice wedding or function once we return home (i.e., she was one of those expats I mentioned in my opening paragraph). Only time will tell whether or not that's the case, but regardless, she looked fit for Bollywood last night. On the other hand, I'm fairly certain the only other time I will be donning my Indian wedding duds will be, at most, annually and on the last day of October.


  1. You look Great :)
    Looks more like a Kurta rather than a sherwani tho. That pin with feather is called a "Kalgi"-worn over the "Saafa" (turban) usually by the groom on his wedding day.
    Infact you look Just like a Groom, goin to his marriage :)

  2. You both look fantastic! I keep telling coworkers and anyone who will listen I need an occasion to wear a sari!

  3. YOU BOTH look very,very good in Indian attire.AND yes,that turban does make you look like a bridegroom:)

  4. Do you have more photos about this bollywood party! it would be so nice!
